Indicative Site Plan: Click to Enlarge

The proposed solar farm development will involve the installation of ground mounted photovoltaic panels with associated infrastructure to generate up to 14.3 MW of renewable energy which will feed directly into the local electricity grid network, and positively contribute towards national energy targets, in particular the Government’s target of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

The proposed Inchinnan Solar Park would provide a significant environmental benefit by generating a large amount of clean, renewable, zero carbon electricity within the Council’s boundary and to feed into the local electricity network.

  • The solar panels themselves (and the spaces directly between the panel rows) will occupy only around 51% of the site. There is amble space to prevent shading and address other practical and planning considerations.
  • Panels will be fixed to mounting frames, and arranged in rows facing south. The development will be low-lying. The lowest edge of the panels will be around 0.5 m from the ground. The top edge will be up to 3.3 m from the ground.
  • Other components of the development include inverters, perimeter fencing, access tracks and two small substations (12m x 4m).
  • Appropriate buffers have been incorporated into the proposed layout.

Indicative Landscape Plan

How long will construction take?

Construction of the proposed development would take approximately 6 months. During this time, construction vehicles and deliveries would be visiting the site. Thereafter, during the operational phase, there would be very limited vehicular movements associated with the proposed development. Approximately one vehicle trip per week would be made relating to maintenance of the proposed solar Farm.

What will the development look like and will it be noisy?

The photos on this website show example solar park developments. Solar parks are becoming common features in the countryside as the country works to increase our renewable energy generation. Solar parks are quiet and passive systems which do not have moving parts or create significant air quality issues or noise or vibration in operation.

The planning application will be is accompanied by a suite of supporting technical reports which will include: Drainage Strategy, Flood Risk Assessment, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, Glint and Glare Assessment, Noise Impact Assessment, Desktop Archaeological Study, and a Socio-Economic and Environmental Benefits Infographic. These assessments will assess the environmental impact of the proposed development and recommend mitigation measures where necessary.

A copy of the supporting technical reports can be viewed and downloaded below.

A response to the EIA Screening Request submitted to Renfrewshire Council in October 2021 confirmed that an Environmental Impact Assessment would not be required to accompany the application for planning permission for the proposed development.

Wider benefits of the Proposed Development

The proposed development for a Solar Park at Lochfauld Farm is anticipated to generate a wide range of socio-economic benefits that can be captured by the local community.

The output of the proposal would be up to 14.3 MW. Inchinnan Solar Park would provide a significant environmental benefit by generating a large amount of clean, renewable, zero carbon electricity. Each year the project could generate enough electricity to meet the annual requirements of around 5184 medium usage homes per year or 8351 low usage homes.

The project will generate zero CO2 electricity. When generating at full output the release 2684 kg CO2 per hour could be avoided. Based on expected performance, the release of 2,821 tonnes of CO2 could be avoided over a whole year.

To view and download a copy of the reports which have been undertaken to accompany the planning application, please follow the links below.