Thank you for taking the time to visit out project website for the proposed solar park development at Houston Road, Inchinnan.

The planning application was submitted to Renfrewshire Council on 12th August 2022, and is accompanied by a range of technical reports which will assess the impact of the proposed development and a planning statement which are available to view on this project website. These reports will include mitigation measures, where necessary, and would provide robust information to inform decision making.


The site at Houston Road is not subject to statutory pre-application consultation due to the size and scale of development proposed. However, the project team has elected to create a project website in order to share the proposals for the development of the site with stakeholders and members of the public, and to provide an opportunity to share any comments with the project team on the proposed development.

Comments can be sent via email to

Please note that comments submitted as part of this consultation are not representations to the planning authority. The planning application was submitted to Renfrewshire Council on 12th August 2022 and there will be an opportunity to make formal representations regarding the proposed development directly to Renfrewshire Council once the application has been validated.

Iceni Projects are managing the public consultation on behalf of Mactaggart & Mickel Investments Ltd. At Iceni Projects, we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of those we engage through our consultation activities. In particular, we want you to know that Iceni Projects is not in the business of selling, renting or trading personal information with other companies and businesses. All information you provide is confidential and will only be used in connection with this project. We will use the information you provide to better understand the needs and aspirations of the local people to help inform our proposals for Inchinnan Solar Park and any contact information you provide to keep you informed about the project and consultation events we host. You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold. Email your request to our data protection officer Madi Moraru at